Applying to the Court
If you were convicted at the Crown Court then your appeal route is to the Court of Appeal Criminal Division . If you were convicted at a Magistrates Court then go to the Crown Court ( 15 days ) .
If you applied to the Court of Appeal but were refused by either the Single Judge or Full Court then you need to go to the CCRC .There is no time limit for an application to the CCRC however you would need to have grounds which you had not argued before .
How to appeal to the Court of Appeal ?
This is done by Direct Lodgement with the CACD 28 Days from Conviction in the Crown Court [ Not from the date of sentence ]
From 1st October the CACD has implemented direct lodgement •This is covered by Part 39 of the Criminal Procedure Rules as amended •You will lodge directly at : Registrar of Criminal Appeals at the Criminal Appeal Office, Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London, WC2A 2LL, 7947 6011/6014 DX: RCJ 44451 Strand
This handy document explains the basic requirements and importantly what limited cases the new lodgement rules do not apply to
The Court provides in addition detailed guidance on completing the new appeal forms [ 8 pages ] to be accessed here :
It is assumed you will be familiar with “A guide to commencing Proceedings in the Court of Appeal Criminal Division “
The challenge
When breaking through the system seems impossible
If you are to put right your wrongful conviction it can seem your chances are almost impossible , then is why you need a team that has a proven track record of hitting the target time after time .
We have been quashing convictions consistently since 2004 and work with you to try to find a winning formula in every case
Funding your appeal case
Legal Aid - If you had a representation order in the Crown Court then we still may be able to use this to give you advice if you have not received an advice on appeal . Otherwise you will need to make a fresh application for Legal Aid which is subject to a merit and means test
In Particular the Legal Aid Agency will need to be satisfied that you have potential points to investigate which could lead to successful grounds of appeal . You cannot raise the same points with as as you have with a previous legal team unless thee is a reason why the last legal team got things wrong .
Private Funding - If you don't qualify for legal aid or don't want to proceed under legal aid we can agree private funding based on case size and complexity . We will then agree how you can pay as we proceed investigating your case .
FAQ'S On Appeal Cases
Team members who can help
Principal Member and Higher Court Advocate
Trainee Solicitor
Criminal Appeals Paralegal
Secretary & PA to Mark Newby